April 30, 2013

The Finisher

There is always one in every group. "The Finisher" I was so excited (see my previous post) that I finished the top for a class project taught by Pat Slone. Today I visited my BVF, Barbara, and hers was not only done but quilted, sleeve on and hanging. I just gotta love her!

April 28, 2013

Finishing a quilt from a quilt Class

 I started quilting in 1980. Self taught I may add. I took my first quilt class in 1982 or 1983 from Blanche Young. Not sure I really liked piecing so I decided to make another just to see if I liked doing this part of quilting. I soon found out that I would rather do it by hand or stick to hand applique'. I didn't know I was actually hand appliqueing at the time. One day Helen Young Frost called to say that "Mother", she always calls her mother, thought I had made a quilt that might be just the right size they needed to fit a small space in their new book "The Flying Geese Quilt". I was so excited I could hardly stand it. I sent it to her and indeed it did fit. A few short days later Helen asked if I had another one of similar size. Remember my second try? Yes, I did have another. They loved that one too. So to my surprise I guess I did piecing OK but I didn't like doing it. I have taken several quilt classes since then and never finished one of the projects. My thought is I take a class for the technique I hope to learn and no thought goes into finishing the project.

The two quilts are actually in our logo for Sisters Quilting Trunk.

We now move to a few short weeks ago 2013.  I am taking another quilt class. Pat Slone has come to our guild to teach machine applique'. I kind of thought I might learn something to make it easier, quicker to finish quilts for our business. After all sometimes it takes me a few years to finish a queen size hand appliqued quilt for a new pattern. Then a few more years to hand quilt it. I have given that up and my quilts get shipped to my sister Andee to machine quilt. I do love getting them back all finished and ready for Quilt Market. But could I give up hand applique? I guess the fact that I finished a class project for the second time in 30+ years is my answer. Pat.....I love machine applique. Yes...I will be shipping this quilt off to Andee to machine quilt. It will go above my desk in my office. 
I will never give up hand quilting or hand appliqueing but I have given in to the fact that sometimes I need to do what I need to do. 
Thank you again Pat for teaching a old dog new tricks.

April 22, 2013

Loss of a Friend

The loss of a friend is not easy. I knew Fran for about 1 1/2 years. Moving to our new home and finding a quilter living just on the hilltop across the street. I soon found out that not only was Fran a quilter, she hand pieced and hand quilter all her quilts.   
 We also shared the love of gardening. It may take me years and years to have a garden as beautiful as Fran's.
Never forget to tell your friends how special they are in your life.